Jenn Small (littlejennsmall) - Blood, Sweat & Tears Tattoo, Charlotte, NC
Instagram: @littlejennsmall
Jenn Small (littlejennsmall) - Blood, Sweat & Tears Tattoo, Charlotte, NC
Instagram: @littlejennsmall
"Little" Jenn Small (littlejennsmall) - Charlotte, NC
Instagram: @littlejennsmall
Because sometimes you need to take a deep breath and be fearless.
I suffer with quite bad anxiety and this is just a daily reminder.
Done at Wycombe Ink Tattoo and Piercing Studio (High Wycombe)
Chris Marchetto - Cambridge, MA
Ink Monkey Tattoo, Venice California, Artist: Ryan Murphy
Done by Chris Norton at Holdfast Tattoo in Port Orange, Florida
I’ve been struggling with self harm for years. In a step towards recovery, I got my father’s signature tattooed on the top wrist of my right hand; the hand I would cut with. My mother and I always sign our cards to each other with “xxoo”- so I got her script tattooed on the inside of my left wrist; the arm I would cut.
I think as long as they’re there, I won’t be able to cut again. It’s been ten years. I feel free.
by Julie Jenson
Art On You Studios
Salt Lake City, Utah
Session 3: The Prince of Any Failing Empire + Burn this City Down // tattoo by Dyuntats Depasupil of Fairview, Philippines
As you can see from my last two posts, I’ve already began the Prince of Any Failing Empire, but to emphasize the empire, I had a background added, his castle aflame and as close to ‘failing’ as I could put into visuals.
The burning castle transitions into a burning city for the next part of the tattoo which is modeled after the line ‘I’ll burn this city down to show you the lights’. I have 1 or 2 more sessions to go, and the ‘lights’ bit will probably be better accentuated the next session. :)
Billy Shofner co owner and operator at Brut Tattoo Charlotte Nc 704-336-9354
I got this tattoo at Showroom Tattoo Parlor in Las Vegas, Nevada by Chris Astrologo. My cat Katza has been my baby since 5th grade, always with me through thick and thin, and she has the sassiest personality. Chris captured her perfectly while still keeping true to style. It’s my first tattoo, completed in one sitting.
Bakaneko (Japanese evil cat) done by Ryan Murphy of InkMonkeyTattoo in Venice, CA
Fat, badass, feminist, Latina mermaid.
Done by Zera at Brite Idea Tattoo in Ypsilanti, MI.
"Caring for myself is not self-indulgence, it is self-preservation, and that is an act of political warfare." -Audre Lorde
Just recently got this done. It’s Anne Boleyn and he last words “To God I Commend My Soul”, right before her head was chopped off.
Done by the amazing Jamie Clinton at Anything’s Possible in Mooresville, NC
- wildeinferno
a little t rex in an arm pit. Billy Shofner co owner and operator at Brut Tattoo Charlotte Nc 704-336-9354
Billy Shofner co owner and operator at Brut Tattoo Charlotte Nc 704-336-9354
"Love conquers all things except poverty and toothache."
-Mae West
Done by the fabulously talented Nathan Fish at Fu’s Custom Tattoos in Charlotte, NC.
Jenn Small (littlejennsmall)
Charlotte, NC - Blood, Sweat & Tears Tattoo
Instagram: @littlejennsmall