Artist: Kevin Dickinson @ Guru tattoo in San Diego.
Meaning: Through out my life I’ve had the unfortunate luck to run into a lot of people who are quick to judge and/or have a strong opinion or belief that I feel is holding them back from having a better life or a better relationship with people, God, and myself. I feel that those people are blinded(hence the blindfold) by preconceived notions and/or ignorance. And since they can’t see through the fog so to speak they will never prosper in life(hence the chains holding it back) and will burn in death(hence the skeleton/flames). I also believe there is hope for everyone to change for the better and that’s why I got the angels because they are a sign of salvation.
It took around 6 hours total to do and loved every minute of it.
The only thing I don’t like about the tattoo is that it attracts a lot of attention from attractive women and I also don’t like having to explain the meaning or the reason I got it, as a matter of fact this is my first time ever really explaining it to anyone lol