My fat little panda, by Lucus Garcia @ stay local in wheat ridge, CO.
This piece is kind of the best thing that’s ever happened to me. I had two sessions because we ran out of time and I had to go to work. But at work I was selling some shoes to this sweet little couple and they asked me the meaning behind my unfinished panda.. I told them that the panda is for my brother. Panda’s were his favorite animal. They questioned my word choice and I responded with “yes, were.” They asked how and I explained he was hit by a car a long time ago but kept it short and didn’t wanna sound weird but I explained I had been planning on getting this tattoo for so many years now. I assumed it was just a kind curious couple and rang them up and sent them on their way.
Ten minutes later they were back in my store asking if I had plans to get it finished. I told them yeah when it was healed and I got paid again I would go get him finished up. (Mind you, this couple was simple, no tattoos ever, no piercings except for the wife had a little stud in her nose.) They said “well we want to finish it for you.” I being the idiot I am, asked, “you guys tattoo?” and they said no. we want to pay for it.
Then and there I started crying my little eyes out. I kept telling them no no they didn’t have to do that for me. But they insisted and a few days later I got a call from the shop saying there was $300 waiting for me and I should come get it finished whenever.
I have never had so much love packed into one tattoo. I have my big brother on my shoulder and two amazing people that had never met me before nor know me, that would do something like this for me. Whenever I’m down I remember how blessed I am all from this little panda and how there are good people left in this world.